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By Marie, the 22.05.2019

What to do when your thighs touch to avoid chafing

What to do when your thighs touch to avoid chafing
You have the inner thighs touching, so know that many of you have this problem and that there are solutions against this problem is very unpleasant to live.

All women can suffer from friction between the thighs, this is not only for women who are overweight, as is often thought. 'Mermaid thighs' are mostly due to the morphology of the person.

Why are my thighs touching each other

Heat, perspiration and skirt, here are the three factors feared. The friction of the thighs and the very painful irritations that it causes remain a taboo subject.

Here's why your thighs touch:

Walking becomes unbearable and can even cause cracks. The most important thing is to keep this area 'dry' and avoid at all costs that it does not sweat. So what to do?

What to do when your thighs touch each other

Again, if you want to do things right to find a round of thighs harmonious, we start detoxifying the body for a week and then we adopt the basics of balanced nutrition every day because what we put in our plate to a strong impact on our silhouette.

Tips against friction between the thighs

Women who have endured this ordeal for many years often have a lot of tips and tricks to share to reduce the pain and discomfort that provides.

A little DIY, common sense and most importantly, an effective cream usually helps to remedy these pains and find a soft skin.

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