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By Marie, the 17.05.2019

How to stop hurting your head with natural remedies

How to stop hurting your head with natural remedies
You have a headache ? So find out which are the most effective natural remedies to relieve your headache quickly and effectively.

Between work, daily worries, traffic increasingly dense, stress, it is not uncommon to have a headache. We can of course cure headaches with drugs such as aspirin, but there are also natural remedies to no longer have a headache.

Natural remedies against headache

Medications are not always the best solution for headaches, especially for people who already have liver or kidney damage, asthma, ulcers or haemostatic disorders. So find out what are the best natural remedies for not having a headache.

Natural remedies for treating headache:

Infusions against headache

Preventive measures against headache

Relieve stress by practicing physical activity such as walking, swimming or cycling in the country. You can also do yoga or meditation to relieve your stress and avoid having a headache.

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